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«Aprender sobre sexualidad y género a través de los medios».

La investigadora del CRICC Maria José Masanet y Maite Soto coeditan el número especial de la revista International Communication Gazette titulat ‘Learning about sexualities and gender through media: Transcending formal practices, spaces, actors, and experiences’. Esta publicación se desprende de la colaboración entre el proyecto TRANSGELIT y LGBTIQscreens, y del encuentro organizado por el International Congress on Media, Gender and Sexualities.

El número especial cuenta con la participación de Cilia Willem, Iolanda Tortajada, Lucas Platero, Ariadna Angulo-Brunet, Juanjo Sans, Esmeralda Vázquez, Emerson Vicente-Cruz, Simona Tirocchi, Gabriela Taddeo, Anna Iñigo, Laura Fernández, José Miguel Tomasena y Sofie Van Bauwel, y está compuesto por una introducción y cinco artículos:

– Masanet, Maria-Jose, & Soto-Sanfiel, María T. (2024). Learning about sexualities and gender through media: Transcending formal practices, spaces, actors, and experiences. International Communication Gazette, 86(5), 357-362.;

– Willem, Cilia, Tortajada, Iolanda, & Platero, Lucas (2024). 20,000 Species of Bees: Fictional film as a tool for queer pedagogies. International Communication Gazette, 86(5), 363-378.;

– Angulo-Brunet, Ariadna, Sánchez-Soriano, Juan-José, Vázquez-Tapia, Esmeralda A., & Vicente-Cruz, Emerson (2024). Video-on-demand series in education programmes to tackle gay male stereotypes in young people. International Communication Gazette, 86(5), 379-398.;

– Tirocchi, Simona, & Taddeo, Gabriella (2024). Unveiling informal learning of gender roles on Tik Tok: The #Stayathomegirlfriends phenomenon. International Communication Gazette, 86(5), 399-419.;

– Iñigo, Anna, Fernández, Laura, & Tomasena, José M. (2024). Disinterest, normalisation of gender violence and fear of being cancelled: Mediatised learning on antifeminist and anti-LGBTIQ+ discourses among teenagers in Barcelona. International Communication Gazette, 86(5), 420-436.;

– Bauwel, Sofie Van (2024). Affective learning: The role of affect in understanding representations of sexuality in postfeminist television series. International Communication Gazette, 86(5), 437-451.

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