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Research lines

Discover the 8 lines of research that we develop at the CRICC
over the last few years:

1. Libraries: users, services and resources

Dr. Carina Rey Martín

Lluís Agustí Ruiz, Sílvia Argudo Plans, Mònica Baró Llambias, Maite Comalat Navarra, Amadeu Pons i Serra, Andreu Sulé Duesa, Aurora Vall i Casas.


  • User analysis: needs and new services in libraries
  • New models of participatory management and leadership in libraries
  • Libraries and social innovation
  • Training and job placement of its professionals

2. Bibliographic and cultural heritage

Dr. Pedro Rueda Ramírez

Lluís Agustí Ruiz, Jordi Andreu i Daufí, Mònica Baró Llambias, Jesús Gascón García, Amadeu Pons i Serra, Carina Rey Martín, Marina Salse Rovira, Miquel Térmens Graells.


  • Bibliographic and documentary heritage: management, valorization and promotion
  • Heritage(s) in cinema, photography and audiovisual media
  • Conservation, preservation and sustainability of heritage

3. Open science and scientific communication

Dr. Núria Ferran Ferrer

Ernest Abadal Falgueras, Jordi Ardanuy Baró, Ángel Borrego Huerta, Juan-José Boté Vericad, Miquel Centelles Velilla, Maite Comalat Navarra, Laura Fernández Aguilera, Javier Guallar Delgado, Gema Santos Hermosa, Marta Somoza Fernández, Cristóbal Urbano Salido.


  • Open science and data sharing
  • Collaborative creation of knowledge
  • New indicators and research evaluation models
  • Open educational resources

4. Information and digital communication

Dr. Javier Guallar Delgado

Ernest Abadal Falgueras, Rubén Alcaraz Marínez, Miquel Centelles Velilla, Jorge Franganillo Fernández, Carlos Lopezosa García, Mario Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, Marina Salse Rovira, Gema Santos Hermosa, Andreu Sulé Duesa, Mari Vállez Letrado.


  • Digital technologies and social transformation
  • Information, communication and digital innovation
  • Impact of technologies on the value chain of information and communication products

5. Cultural policies and economics

Dr. Lluís Bonet Agustí

Tino Carreño Morales, Marta Casals Balaguer, Ramon Castells Ros, Manel González Piñero, Anna Villarroya Planas.


  • Living and working conditions of culture and heritage professionals
  • Policies and economics of the cultural ecosystem
  • Assessment of the social impact of culture and heritage

6. Communication, democracy and cognition

Dr. Lydia Sánchez Gómez

Adrien Faure Carvallo, María Ángeles García Asensio, Hibai López-González, José Miguel Tomasena Glennie, Vicente Villalba Palacín, Sergio Villanueva Baselga.


  • Communication, participatory culture and social innovation
  • Media and cognitive processes
  • Media and informational education

7. Audiovisual narrative and aesthetics

Dr. Maddalena Fedele

Priscila Álvarez Cueva, Adrien Faure Carvallo, Hibai López-González, Ana Martínez Marjalizo, Maria Jose Masanet Jordà, Daniel Mourenza Urbina, José Miguel Tomasena Glennie.


  • Media representations in contemporary media
  • Storytelling and social transformation
  • Transmediality and representation

8. Gender, inclusion and diversity in Information, Communication and Culture

Dr. Maria Jose Masanet Jordà

Priscila Álvarez Cueva, Juan-José Boté Vericad, Tino Carreño Morales, Marta Casals Balaguer, Maddalena Fedele, Laura Fernández Aguilera, Núria Ferran Ferrer, Manel González Piñero, Anna Iñigo, Daniel Mourenza Urbina, Aurora Vall i Casas, Sergio Villanueva Baselga, Anna Villarroya Planas.


  • Gender perspective and LGTBI+ in Information, Communication and Culture studies
  • Gender and LGBTI+ differences in media and cultural contexts

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