El treball “Digital technologies and selective exposure: how choice and filter bubbles shape news media exposure”, publicat pels investigadors del CRICC i professors de la FIMA Carlos Aguilar i Mario Pérez-Montoro amb la col·laboració de dos recercaires de la UOC (Ana Sofia Cardenal) i de la UAB (Carol Galais) ha aparegut citat a la prestigiosa revista Nature en l’article “Users choose to engage with more partisan news than they are exposed to on Google Search”.
Consulteu-los aquí:
– Cardenal, A. S., Aguilar-Paredes, C., Galais, C. & Pérez-Montoro, M. Digital technologies and selective exposure: how choice and filter bubbles shape news media exposure. Int. J. Press/Politics 24, 465–486 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1177/1940161219862988
– Robertson, R.E., Green, J., Ruck, D.J. et al. Users choose to engage with more partisan news than they are exposed to on Google Search. Nature (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06078-5