Today, 30th January, has finished BOBCATSSS 2015, the annual LIS conference promoted by EUCLID that is addressed mainly to students and organized by students. This year, organizers have been students from the Masaryk University, Czech Republic, and the University of Tampere, Finland.
The BOBCATSSS 2015 edition has been held in Brno, the beautiful city of the Czech Republic. During three days, studentsof all countries (mainly from Europe, but also from USA, Colombia, etc.) have shared their knowledge in paper, poster, pecha-kucha or workshopway.
The 250 attendants have also been able to enjoy of three very prestigious keynotes speakers: Sinikka Sipilä(President of IFLA 2013-2015), Jay Edwin Gillette(Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at Ball State University, USA) and Roberta Tassi(researcher on the relation between communication design and service design).
Organizers also have offered to attendants guided visits to the most sightseeing LIS centersin Brno: Central Library of Faculty of Arts, The Museum of Romani Culture, Moravian regional archive, etc.
In the closing ceremony, BOBCATSSS 2015’s organizers have delivered the BOBCATSSS flag to organizers of BOBCATSSS 2016 (see picture), students from the École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques(Enssib), France, the Paris Descartes University, France, and The University of Tennessee, USA. The conference will be held in Lyon, France. Good luck for them and we will see you in Lyon next year.
Enjoy it!
Andreu Sulé
University of Barcelona