LodView, an RDF graphical viewer
This week we have known the National Library of the Netherlandshas adopted LodViewfor publishing its data as Linked Data.
LodView is an open source Java application that, in conjunction with a SPARQL endpoint, allows you to publish RDFdata according to all defined standards for Linked Open Data. LodView offers different data representations, one of which is a very interesting graphical view managed with the data viewer LodLive.
You can see several samples at http://lodview.it/. For example, if you choose dbpedia.org as a “Esempi”, you can see the representation of “London” resource provided by LodView. If you click on the “view resource on lodlive” (right hand on the top page) you see the same information in a graphical way.
In fact, the LodView project was elected as one of the five finalists of the 2015 LODLAM Challenge, held in Sydney, Australia, 29-30 June.
Enjoy it!
Andreu Sulé
University of Barcelona